When I first moved into my new home the first neighbor I met was a woman from a few houses down named Kat. She was walking her beautiful puppy Cocoa and I couldn't help but run across the street and introduce myself. Kat is a fellow gardening enthusiast and mentioned that she has two rhubarb plants and was really only able to use one of them and if I wanted to dig it up I could have it.
So one day about a month later I stroll down to her house with a 5 gallon bucket and a shovel ready to dig it up. Unfortunately I seriously underestimated the size of the Rhubarb plant. An hour later I was finally able to pull this beast out of the ground

There were some casualties (that were washed, sliced and frozen for future use)

And when I got it into the ground it was REALLY drooping over so I was concerned it didn't survive the transplant.

But as the stalks drooped and died I pulled them out and kept watering and tending it (I also had a couple conversations with it that may have involved some promises if it survived) and this morning when I went to check on it I saw this

I am so happy to see it growing again! As of late I have been getting frustrated with the grass constantly trying to overtake the garden and the woodchuck and/or rabbit eating everything I have in the cabbage family (pak choi, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli). I just put down some fox urine earlier today so hopefully that will finally do the trick.
If anyone has any suggestions (besides a shotgun) I am all ears!