One cluster out of probably 16 that are getting more ripe every day!
This was the first German Pink tomato I had but now there are about 12 and they are getting so big so fast!
boy do I know how to grow a pair! My Amish Paste tomatoes seem to only get pollinated in pairs, but I have 6 pairs so it's okay.
I've heard it said that corn should be as high as an Elephant's eye by the forth of July. I'll settle for as high as a Great Dane's eye by the 12th of July.
I have also been doing some weeding
and the potatoes SO need to be hilled
My sweet peppers are growing pretty well also
and I have a butternut squash that I swear grows bigger every minute
(since this photo was taken it has lost its blossom and takes more than one hand to hold)
It doesn't seem like I'm getting a large number of any one thing (my okra plant has exactly one okra on it and doesn't seem interested in producing any more) but considering I have had minimal plant losses due to neglect I am feeling a sense of pride. And if nothing else I know I can grow a mean patch of weeds!
PS-I found a GREAT solution to the moles.
It's a sonic spike that's solar powered and vibrates the soil down deep. Within a week of me putting the spike in my garden the mole holes disappeared and my crops were growing again. Green beans, Brussels Sprouts and Pak Choi are out of the question this year, but I'm not going to let the casualties get in the way of me enjoying all the goodness growing around me!
What have you had the most success with in your garden so far?