Saturday, June 19, 2010

Groundhogs and Moles

Two respective creatures that are now the bane of my existence
observe exhibit A
brussel sprouts!
eaten brussel sprouts :(

I rest my case

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Sad Farewell

I haven't felt much like posting lately because I have been grieving the loss of a very special member of our family. My wonderful bunny Chester passed away exactly a week ago at the age of 6 years. He had a slew of health issues in his short life, the most problematic being he was diabetic. As a result he developed cataracts in both eyes and was more prone to infections.
Thursday we notice he wasn't eating much and wasn't drinking any water. Friday he was no better so we took him to the emergency vet. Unfortunately his condition worsened quickly and he passed away while at the vet clinic. They ran a blood test and it turned out he was in total renal failure.
Chester was a very special bunny. He was a house rabbit so he was litter trained and wasn't confined to his cage (except at night). He loved to eat loads of fresh cilantro and enjoyed laying across my feet.
Please join me in celebrating the life of my special bunny companion
My Bun!

We buried him in the garden with a brick as a headstone, inscribed with his name. I also planted a Stargazer Lilly at the head of his grave.

How do you honor your animal companions when they pass away?

Friday, June 4, 2010

The funny thing about babies...

sleeping chicks

Is they get bigger
older chickens

And grow up far too quick

This is Olive's "did you bring me dandelions?" look
Olive looking inquisitive

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Great Rhubarb Move

When I first moved into my new home the first neighbor I met was a woman from a few houses down named Kat. She was walking her beautiful puppy Cocoa and I couldn't help but run across the street and introduce myself. Kat is a fellow gardening enthusiast and mentioned that she has two rhubarb plants and was really only able to use one of them and if I wanted to dig it up I could have it.

So one day about a month later I stroll down to her house with a 5 gallon bucket and a shovel ready to dig it up. Unfortunately I seriously underestimated the size of the Rhubarb plant. An hour later I was finally able to pull this beast out of the ground
rhubarb plant dug from my neighbor's yard

There were some casualties (that were washed, sliced and frozen for future use)
casualties of the great rhubarb move of 2010

And when I got it into the ground it was REALLY drooping over so I was concerned it didn't survive the transplant.
rhubarb plant

But as the stalks drooped and died I pulled them out and kept watering and tending it (I also had a couple conversations with it that may have involved some promises if it survived) and this morning when I went to check on it I saw this
rhubarb regenerating

I am so happy to see it growing again! As of late I have been getting frustrated with the grass constantly trying to overtake the garden and the woodchuck and/or rabbit eating everything I have in the cabbage family (pak choi, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli). I just put down some fox urine earlier today so hopefully that will finally do the trick.

If anyone has any suggestions (besides a shotgun) I am all ears!